Department of American and Canadian Studies

Centre for Research in Race and Rights co-director and American Studies professor wins British Academy Engagement Award

American and Canadian Studies professor and co-director of the Centre for Research in Race and Rights Zoe Trodd has won a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award, to fund the founding year of the UK's first centre for research in race and rights. The year's activities will develop a regional (Midlands) base for public engagement activities that has early career researchers and external knowledge exchange partners at its heart. With a range of profile-raising network events, capacity-building and training, the project has a two-fold engagement: expanding beyond the University of Nottingham's early career researchers community to reach other early career researchers in the Midlands region; and consolidating non-academic partnerships to create a sustainable network of scholars and race/rights practitioners for impact and knowledge exchange collaborations. Click here to read the announcement in the Times Higher Education. 

Posted on Monday 13th April 2015

Department of American and Canadian Studies

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