Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

Past conferences - Department of History of Art







  • Conference - Correspondences: Art, Theatre and Opera in France 1750-1850 (supported by the Royal Musical Society), National Gallery, London. Now published as Sarah Hibberd and Richard Wrigley (eds), Art, Theatre, and Opera in Paris 1750-1850: Exchanges and Tensions (Ashgate, 2013)
  • Conference - Gender and the City before Modernity. Published as Gender and History Special Issue for May 2012, ed. Lin Foxhall, Gabriele Neher 2008 
  • 3-day Symposium with W.J..Mitchell: Day 1: Sites of Conflict, Day 2: 21st-Century Anxiety Image, Space, Text: Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity 2-4 July
  • Conference 12 & 13: Representing the Everyday in Americal Visual Culture


  • 2-day conference: Display and Spectacle was held in conjunction with the Association of Art Historians 
  • Visual Histories, transdisciplinary research student workshop, 28 April
  • Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to the Modernity. Richard Wrigley (Art History, Nottingham) & Mark Bradley (Classics, Nottingham), collaboration with the British School at Rome. Published as Mark Bradley (ed.) Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2012), 21-22 June
  • Space, Place and Visuality, with W.J.T. Mitchell (Stephen Daniels, Geography, Mark Rawlinson, Art History), 11 July


  • December Workshop: Rivers of Meaning   
  • Conference - Undercover Surrealism, Hayward Gallery, London, 23-24 June


  • Conference: Cinematic Rome. Published as Cinematic Rome, ed. Richard Wrigley (Troubador Press, 2008) Photography Between Two, organised by PhD student Diane Bailey


  • The Herbert Read Conference, Tate Britain, London, 25-26 June


  • One-day symposium, Victorian Sculpture 
  • Conference: Image and Critique: Image - Thought - Text, 13 September


  • Art and the Crisis of Multiculturalism
  • Exhibition and conference: Rubens and Italian Art 
  • Exhibition: Trentside

Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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