Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Learning Resources

In a special collaboration with Germany’s renowned international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, the Department of German Studies provides unique language learning resources. Our students benefit from DW’s wide range of modern e-learning services, videos, audio courses and podcasts as well as written materials and worksheets.

Follow the links below to sample the innovative learning tools of Deutsche Welle that we recommend to our students. 


All Students


Nachrichten - (Slowly Spoken News - audio with manuscript and updated daily)


Year One

Beginners in German:
Radio D

Radio D
focus on listening comprehension, with manuscripts

Year Two


Business German lessons in audio with manuscripts, texts and exercises

Year Four

Deutsch im Fokus: Alltagsdeutsch

Everyday topics as audio with manuscripts and exercises to enhance listening and comprehension skills, new topic added every week

Beginners (early lessons) to post A-level (later lessons): Deutsch Interaktiv

Deutsch Interaktiv_208x90
Videos, slideshows, audio about life in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Lessons include grammar topics, worksheets, exercises, tests

Jojo sucht das Glück:
Series 1
Series 2

Video tele-novella in 66 parts, with manuscripts, worksheets with exercises on grammar, vocab including youth language; new video in Series 2 every Thursday

Deutsch im Fokus:

Wort der Woche

Wort Woche logo
Focus on peculiar German words and phrases, audio with manuscripts, new once a week




Deutsch Aktuell:
Post A-level:

Top Thema logo
Current reports in audio with manuscripts and vocab lists, new topics added twice a week

Deutsch Aktuell:

video thema logo
Tipical video clips with vocab list and exercises to help with listening comprehension


Deutsch im Fokus:

sprachbar logo
Phrases and idioms from current topics explained in audio with manuscript and exercises, new phrases added every week



Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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