Translating Thought research group
Translating the Dictionary of Untranslatables
Wednesday 21 May 2014, 2-6pm, Machicado Suite, Willoughby Hall, University Park
The Translating Thought research group would like to invite you to a half-day conference featuring Emily Apter, Michael Wood, Barbara Cassin and Michael Syrotinski. Please see below for full details. All staff and PGs welcome, and please do pass this invitation on to those outside the university.
To celebrate the launch of the Dictionary of Untranslatables (Princeton University Press, 2014), the English-language edition of the seminal Vocabulaire européen des philosophies (Seuil, 2004), we are holding a half-day conference featuring Professor Barbara Cassin (CNRS, editor of the original French volume), two of the editors of the English version, Professor Emily Apter (NYU) and Professor Michael Wood (Princeton), as well as one of the members of the translating team, Professor Michael Syrotinski (University of Glasgow). Our speakers will be discussing the challenges of translating this unique reference work of key philosophical, literary and political terms which are themselves often deemed untranslatable.
The event will include talks, a roundtable and will conclude with a drinks reception, sponsored by Princeton University Press.
The conference is free, but for catering purposes, please register online before 19 May at: (this should take you no more than 10 seconds)
Thank you to Nottingham French Studies, The Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies and The Centre for Critical Theory for their generous sponsorship of this event. Please contact for further information.
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