13.00 Registration and welcome. 13.30 Alberto Martí (Nottingham), „Neutralising Historical Memory: the Institutional Promotion of Oblivion in Valencia‟. 14.20 Loreto Casado (Universidad del País Vasco), „The Novel as “Remains”: La Playa de los Locos by Elena Soriano‟. 15.10 Break. 15.40 Layla Renshaw (Kingston), „Mass Grave Exhumation, Civil War Memory, and the Politics of Space in Spain‟. 16.30 Round-table discussion (wine and nibbles to be served). 17. 15 Close.
The colloquium is free of charge and open to all, but it would be helpful if those who wish to participate could notify the organisers by email no later than Monday 22 April 2013.
Please address correspondence to both email addresses:
Gareth Stockey (Deputy Director) gareth.stockey@nottingham.ac.uk
Alexandra Campos (Administrator) aszaic@nottingham.ac.uk
Willoughby Hall is located just off the West entrance to the University Park Campus. Directions to (and map of) the campus can be found at http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/about/visitorinformation/mapsanddirections/mapsanddirections.aspx
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
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