Yves Gilonne
Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies, Faculty of Arts
Teaching Summary
Dr. Yves Gilonne's current teaching interests stem from his research in 20th century French thought and explores the birth of the intellectual and development of committed literature from L'Affaire… read more
Research Summary
My research interests are in Post-War French Thought, Society and Culture during the "30 Glorieuses".
Notably, Maurice Blanchot and his contemporaries (Levinas, Bataille, Paulhan, Derrida, Nancy, Lacoue-Labarthe, Lyotard). The figure of the Intellectual and post-sartrian political "désengagement". Literature and theories of the Everyday. Discourses of the Sublime and the aesthetics of Terror. Post-war French thought and literature on prehistory and the technological ages of Humanity. Discourses and repesentations of the Nuclear during the "30 glorieuses". Rhetoric and the relation between contemporary and pre-socratic thought. The role played by translation in the development of philosophical thought.
I am currently working on 2 related projects which explore the relations between science, technology and culture during the "30 Glorieuses":
- Le Futur anterieur: le temps des catastrophes.
- Du Droit a l'oblique: orthologies du regards critique.
I am a member of the Science Technology Culture Research Group.
Dr. Yves Gilonne's current teaching interests stem from his research in 20th century French thought and explores the birth of the intellectual and development of committed literature from L'Affaire Dreyfus to the present. (In particular Zola, Bernanos, Sartre, Camus, Daeninckx). I am also interested in the evolution of literary approaches to (In particular Queneau, Barthes, Perec, Guimard, Ernaux, Delerm, Bon) and theories of (in particular Lefebvre, De Certeau, Baudrillard, Blanchot) the Everyday in contemporary France.
Current undergraduate courses:
- MLAC 3082 - Year 4 - French 3
- MLAC 3127 - Year 4 - The Everyday in contemporary French literature and thought (Convener)
- MLAC 2102 - Year 2 - Literature and politics in modern France (Convener)
- MLAC 1082 - Year 1 - Introduction to French literature: landmarks in narrative (Convener)
Past Undergraduate Courses:
- R11017 - Year 1 Reading Text (convener)
- R11019 - Year 1 Histoire et Mythologie
- R11020- Year 1 Contemporary France
- R12062 - Year 2 French Language (convener)
- R12080 - Year 2 Literature and Politics in Modern France (convener)
- R13144/R13150 - Year 4 The Everyday in Contemporary French Fiction and Thought (convener)
- R13111 Year 4 Language (convener)
- R13082 Year 4 Le Roman Policier (convener)
Past Postgraduate courses:
- Theories of the Everyday (Seminar)
- Representations of the other (autour de Sartre, la question Juive)