Department of Modern Languages and Cultures


Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

Image of Sara Andre da Costa

Sara Andre da Costa

Teaching Associate in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Faculty of Arts



I hold a BA in Portuguese and Romance Languages Linguistics from the University of Lisbon (2003), and following a period teaching music and performance, I returned to academia in 2016 at the University of Nottingham (UoN). There, as a researcher following my MA, PhD and postdoctoral trajectory in Portuguese and Lusophone Studies, and through my pedagogical development as a lecturer at UoN and the University of Cambridge, I have developed a multi-disciplinary investigative profile and a growing international research output (and reputation) in the fields of Languages, Comparative Literature/Cultural Studies, Critical Theory, the Philosophy of Language and Intermediality.

I have been a Teaching Associate in Portuguese at the University of Nottingham (Modern Languages and Cultures, and The Language Centre) since 2017, in which role I deliver a wide range of seminars and lectures in the undergraduate languages programme. I have also contributed to two undergraduate modules at UoN: "Introduction to Lusophone Cultures and Societies", which focus on identities and identity formation, as represented or articulated in literary, cinematic and visual texts; and "Culture and Society across the Portuguese-speaking World", a module that develops students' expertise in literature, film, music and art of the Lusophone world.

I am a visiting tutor at the University of Cambridge, since 2023, contributing to the module "Introduction to the Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese-speaking World", which offers a panoramic view of the of Portuguese-speaking countries' literatures and cultures. As such, it necessarily covers a wide spectrum of texts and media (cinema and visual arts) in a comparative perspective based on four topics: "The Politics of Empire and Nation", "Gender, Sexuality, Love", "Forms of Otherness", and "Authority and Violence". I was fortunate at Cambridge to also have the further opportunity to develop my academic competences by supervising a BA dissertation on the Mozambican author Paulina Chiziane, something which brought me into contact with a subject area that did not fit neatly to my own research specialisms.

In 2019, I was awarded my MA by research (with Distinction) from UoN, with a dissertation entitled "Herberto Helder: os gestos do poema", focusing on the creative process of the poet Herberto Helder. I subsequently received Faculty of Arts funding to pursue my PhD at UoN and was awarded the doctorate in 2023. My dissertation, "Clarice Lispector e Herberto Helder: do mito ao texto", is the first comparative study of Lispector and Helder's writings and represents an original and significant contribution to the study of twentieth-century literary writing in Portuguese.

In December 2019, I co-organised with Dr Rui Miranda the International Conference "Saudade de conversar contigo" to celebrate the 100 years of Sophia de Mello Breyner and Jorge de Sena, two of the most eminent personalities of the Portuguese literary landscape of the XXth century.

Since 2021, I have led a collaborative research and teaching project with Dr Federico Bertolazzi from the Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", which involves the signature a Memorandum of Understanding between UoN and Roma, and reflects a desire for different ways to collaborate in the shared goals and values of the two universities' research leadership programmes, and provide a space for participants to share reflections and practices in the area of the Portuguese and the Portuguese-Speaking countries Literatures and Cultures Studies. Presently, I am co-leading a multidisciplinary research project on the Portuguese poet Maria Teresa Horta with Dr Bertolazzi, which will result in an exhibition titled "O Corpo das Palavras". This event, will provide a literary-critical interpretation through visual arts of Horta's poetry. The main objectives of the project are to organize a colloquium/series of seminars on poetry translation and the trans-codification process between literature and painting, aiming to engage both an academic and public audiences.

Teaching Summary

I have been a Teaching Associate in Portuguese at the University of Nottingham (Modern Languages and Cultures, and The Language Centre) since 2017, in which role I deliver a wide range of seminars… read more

Research Summary

Both my MA and PhD projects stemmed from, and further developed, my interdisciplinary instincts and interests in language, comparative literature, poetry, performance and reception. My MA… read more

Recent Publications

  • 2022. Mutatis Mudandis: Communicating Absence. In: ADRIANA X. JACOBS and CLAIRE WILLIAMS, eds., After Clarice: Reading Lispector’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century 1st. Legenda. 335-349
  • SARA COSTA, 2021. Um imenso outrar-se: leituras herberteanas em pessoa. In: FRANCESCA PASCIOLLA and RUI GONÇALVES MIRANDA, eds., Fernando Pessoa: abordagens 6. SPLASH Editions. 244-264
  • 2019. Walt Whitman in Fernando Pessoa - Literary Review Hispanic Research Journal: Iberian and Latin American Studies. 20(3), 311-313
  • 2019. Herberto Helder: poeta-poema Tamanha Poesia: Poesia Portuguesa Moderna e Contemporânea II: construções e variações. 4(7), 384-397

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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