School of Computer Science

Image of Boriana Koleva

Boriana Koleva

Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science


  • workRoom C56 Computer Science
    Jubilee Campus
    Wollaton Road
    NG8 1BB
  • work0115 95 14112
  • fax0115 95 14254

Research Summary

Dr Koleva's main research area is the field of Human Computer Interaction with a particular emphasis on mixed reality interfaces. She has been developing the technique of mixed reality boundaries-a… read more

Recent Publications

  • KWON, HYOSUN, KOLEVA, BORIANA, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER and BENFORD, STEVE, 2017. It's Not Yet A Gift': Understanding Digital Gifting. In: CSCW. 2372-2384
  • PRESTON, WILLIAM, BENFORD, STEVE, THORN, EMILY-CLARE, KOLEVA, BORIANA, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, MORTIER, RICHARD, QUINN, ANTHONY, STELL, JOHN and WORBOYS, MICHAEL, 2017. Enabling hand-crafted visual markers at scale In: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 1227-1237
  • RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, BRUNDELL, PATRICK, KOLEVA, BORIANA, ROUSSOU, MARIA, CHAFFARDON, CHRISTOPHE and BENFORD, STEVE, 2016. Families and mobile devices in museums: designing for integrated experiences Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage.

Current Research

Dr Koleva's main research area is the field of Human Computer Interaction with a particular emphasis on mixed reality interfaces. She has been developing the technique of mixed reality boundaries-a new way of joining together physical and virtual spaces, and more specifically extending the usability of this technology by developing a framework of properties that can be associated with boundaries. Dr Koleva has worked with artists to explore how mixed reality technology can be used to support new forms of interactive art, for example with the Blast Theory performance group on the BAFTA nominated event installation Desert Rain and with Ken Feingold on the installation Sance Box No.1. Dr Koleva is currently involved in developing new mixed reality technologies for public settings (such as museums and schools) and for domestic environments. She is also interested in developing conceptual frameworks and software toolkits to help us better understand and construct mixed reality environments.

  • PRESTON, WILLIAM, BENFORD, STEVE, THORN, EMILY-CLARE, KOLEVA, BORIANA, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, MORTIER, RICHARD, QUINN, ANTHONY, STELL, JOHN and WORBOYS, MICHAEL, 2017. Enabling hand-crafted visual markers at scale In: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 1227-1237
  • KWON, HYOSUN, KOLEVA, BORIANA, SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER and BENFORD, STEVE, 2017. It's Not Yet A Gift': Understanding Digital Gifting. In: CSCW. 2372-2384
  • FOSH, LESLEY, BENFORD, STEVE and KOLEVA, BORIANA, 2016. Supporting group coherence in a museum visit In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. 1-12
  • THORN, EMILY-CLARE, RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, KOLEVA, BORIANA, PRESTON, WILLIAM, BENFORD, STEVE, QUINN, ANTHONY and MORTIER, RICHARD, 2016. Exploring Large-Scale Interactive Public Illustrations In: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. 17-27
  • RENNICK-EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, BRUNDELL, PATRICK, KOLEVA, BORIANA, ROUSSOU, MARIA, CHAFFARDON, CHRISTOPHE and BENFORD, STEVE, 2016. Families and mobile devices in museums: designing for integrated experiences Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage.
  • CASTET, JULIEN, BALET, OLIVIER, KOLEVA, BORIANA, GRUBERT, JENS, YI, KWANG MOO, GUNIA, MARCO and KATSIS, ANGELOS, 2015. Authoring and Living Next-Generation Location-Based Experiences In: IEEE Virtual Reality.
  • KOLEVA, BORIANA, TOLMIE, PETER, BRUNDELL, PATRICK, BENFORD, STEVE and RENNICK EGGLESTONE, STEFAN, 2015. From Front-End to Back-End and Everything In-Between: Work Practice in Game Development In: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 141-150
  • KWON, HYOSUN, JAISWAL, SHASHANK, BENFORD, STEVE, SEAH, SUE ANN, BENNETT, PETER, KOLEVA, BORIANA and SCHNÄDELBACH, HOLGER, 2015. FugaciousFilm: Exploring Attentive Interaction with Ephemeral Material In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1285-1294
  • FOSH, L, LORENZ, K.G., BENFORD, S. and KOLEVA, B., 2015. Personal and social? Designing personalised experiences for groups in museums In: Proceedings of 19th Annual Museums and the Web Conference.
  • FOSH, L, BENFORD, S., KOLEVA, B. and LORENZ, K., 2015. Gifting as a novel mechanism for personalized museum and gallery interpretation In: User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalisation. 9146. 131-142
  • LESLEY FOSH, STEVE BENFORD, STUART REEVES and BORIANA KOLEVA, 2014. Gifting Personal Interpretations in Galleries In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • FOSH, L., BENFORD, S., REEVES, S., KOLEVA, B. and BRUNDELL, P., 2013. ‘See me, feel me, touch me, hear me’: trajectories and interpretation in a sculpture garden In: CHI '13 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 27–May 2, 2013, Paris, France. 149-158
  • MEESE, R., ALI, S., THORNE, E., BENFORD, S., QUINN, A., MORTIER, R., KOLEVA, B., PRIDMORE, T. and BAURLEY, S., 2013. From codes to patterns: designing interactive decoration for tableware In: CHI '13: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 931-940
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., WALKER, B., MARSHALL, J., KOLEVA, B., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., GIANNACHI, G., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N. and ROW FARR, J., 2013. Performance-led research in the wild ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction. 20(3), 14
  • BENFORD, S., CRABTREE, A., FLINTHAM, M., GREENHALGH, C., KOLEVA, B., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N., FARR, J.R., GIANNACHI, G. and LINDT, I., 2011. Creating the spectacle: designing interactional trajectories through spectator interfaces ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 18(3), 11
  • FLINTHAM, M., REEVES, S., BRUNDELL, P., GLOVER, T., BENFORD, S., ROWLAND, D., KOLEVA, B., GREENHALGH, C., ADAMS, M., TANDAVANITJ, N. and ROW FARR, J., 2011. Flypad: designing trajectories in a large-scale permanent augmented reality installation In: ECSCW 2011: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark. 233-252
  • BAYOUMI, SAHAR, PRIDMORE, TONY and KOLEVA, BORIANA, 2010. Exploiting ambient illumination to locate and recognise user behaviour in enclosed environments Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 14, 335-345
  • ROWLAND, D., FLINTHAM, M., OPPERMANN, L., MARSHALL, J., CHAMBERLAIN, A., KOLEVA, B., BENFORD, S. and PEREZ, C., 2009. Ubikequitous computing: designing interactive experiences for cyclists In: MobileHCI '09: proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. n/a
  • BEDWELL, BEN, SCHN`ADELBACH, HOLGER, BENFORD, STEVE, RODDEN, TOM and KOLEVA, BORIANA, 2009. In: In support of city exploration 1171-1180
  • BENFORD, S., GIANNACHI, G., KOLEVA, B. and RODDEN, T., 2009. From interaction to trajectories: designing coherent journeys through user experiences In: CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 709-718
  • KOLEVA, B., RENNICK EGGLESTONE, S., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., GLOVER, K., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T. and DADE-ROBERTSON, M., 2009. Supporting the creation of hybrid museum experiences In: CHI '09: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1973-1982
  • MARSHALL, J., PRIDMORE, T.P., POUND, M., BENFORD, S. and KOLEVA, B., 2008. Pressing the flesh: sensing multiple touch and finger pressure on arbitrary surfaces In: Pervasive computing: 6th International Conference, Pervasive 2008, Sydney, Australia, May 19-22, 2008: Proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science, 5013). 38-55
  • OPPERMANN, L., KOLEVA, B., BENFORD, S., WATKINS, M. and JACOBS, R., 2008. Fighting with jelly: user-centered development of wireless infrastructure visualization tools for authoring location-based experiences In: 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE '08). 322-329
  • KHER HUI NG, BORIANA KOLEVA and STEVE BENFORD, 2007. The iterative development of a tangible pin-board to symmetrically link physical and digital documents Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 11(3), 145-155
  • RODDEN, T., CRABTREE, A., HEMMINGS, T., KOLEVA, B., HUMBLE, J., AKESSON, K.-P. and HANSSON, P., 2007. Assembling Connected Cooperative Residential Domains LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. NUMB 4500, 120-142
  • SCHNÄDELBACH, H., PAXTON, M., TWIDALE, M., BENFORD, S. and ANASTASI, R., 2006. The Augurscope: refining its design Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 15(3), 278-293
  • SCHNÄDELBACH, H., PENN, A., STEADMAN, P., BENFORD, S., KOLEVA, B. and RODDEN, T., 2006. Moving office: inhabiting a dynamic building In: ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 20th Anniversary, Banff, Alberta, 4-8 November 2006. 313-322
  • BENFORD, S., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., ANASTASI, R., GREENHALGH, C., RODDEN, T., GREEN, J., GHALI, A., PRIDMORE, T., GAVER, B., BOUCHER, A., WALKER, B., PENNINGTON, S., SCHMIDT, A., GELLERSON, H. and STEED, A., 2005. Expected, sensed, and desired: a framework for designing sensing-based interaction ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 12(1), 3-30
  • KHER HUI NG, STEVE BENFORD and BORIANA KOLEVA, 2005. PINS push in and POUTS pop out - creating a tangible pin-board that ejects physical documents In: CHI '05: CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems April 02-07, 2005. 1981-1984
  • TALLYN, E., KOLEVA, B, LOGAN, B., FIELDING, D., BENFORD, S., GELMINI, G. and MADDEN, N., 2005. Embodied reporting agents as an approach to creating narratives from live virtual worlds In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Proceedings of Virtual Storytelling 2005, Strasbourg, November 2005.
  • SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., TWIDALE, M. and BENFORD, S.D., 2004. The iterative design process of a location-aware device for group use In: UbiComp 2004. The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham, England, 7-10 September 2004. 329-346
  • RODDEN, T.A., CRABTREE, A., HEMMINGS, T., KOLEVA, B., HUMBLE, J., KESSON, K.P. and HANSSON, P., 2004. Configuring the Ubiquitous Home In: Cooperative Systems Design: Scenario-Based Design of Collaborative Systems. 227-241
  • RODDEN, T. CRABTREE, A, HEMMINGS, T, KOLEVA, B, HUMBLE, J, ÅKESSON, K and HANSSON, P., 2004. Between the dazzle of a new building and its eventual corpse: assembling the ubiquitous home In: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems. 71-80
  • HUMBLE,J., HEMMINGS,T., CRABTREE,A., KOLEVA,B. and RODDEN,T.A., 2003. Playing With the Bits: User Composition of Ubiquitous Domestic Environments In: UbiComp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing 5th International Conference, Seattle,WA, USA, October 12-15, 2003, Proceedings. 256-263
  • CAPRA, M., AQUINO, M., DODSON, A.H., BENFORD, S. and KOLEVA-HOPKIN, B., 2003. Civil Engineering Application for Virtual Collaborative Environment. In: International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence.. 314
  • KOLEVA, B., BENFORD, S.D., KHER HUI, N. and RODDEN, T.A., 2003. A framework for tangible user interfaces In: Physical Interaction (PI03) Workshop on Real World User Interfaces.
  • CAPRA, M., AQUINO, M., DODSON, A., BENFORD, S.D. and KOLEVA, B., 2003. Civil engineering application for virtual collaborative environment In: 13th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2003).
  • SCHNÄDELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., FLINTHAM, M., FRASER, M.C., IZADI, S., CHANDLER, P., FOSTER, M., BENFORD, S.D., GREENHALGH, C.M. and RODDEN, T.A., 2002. The augurscope: a mixed reality interface for outdoors In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 20-25 April 2002. 9-16
  • BENFORD, S.D., FRASER, M.C., REYNARD, G.T., KOLEVA, B. and DROZD, A., 2002. Staging and evaluating public performances as an approach to CVE research In: CVE '02: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Collaborative virtual environments (Bonn, Germany, September 30 - October 02, 2002). 80-87
  • GREEN, J., SCHNADELBACH, H., KOLEVA, B., BENFORD, S.D., PRIDMORE, T.P., MEDINA, K., HARRIS, E. and SMITH, H., 2002. Camping in the digital wilderness: tents and flashlights as interfaces to virtual worlds In: Proceedings CHI 2002.
  • KOLEVA, B., TAYLOR, I., BENFORD, S.D., FRASER, M.C., GREENHALGH, C.M., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., VOM LEHN, D., HEATH, C., ROW-FARR, J. and ADAMS, M., 2001. Orchestrating a mixed reality performance In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, Washington, 31 March- 5 April 2001. 38-45
  • KOLEVA, B., SCHNADELBACH, H., BENFORD, S.D. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 2001. Experiencing a presentation through a mixed reality boundary In: Proceedings ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP'01).
  • KOLEVA, B., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., BENFORD, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 2000. Developing mixed reality boundaries In: Designing Augmented Reality Environments DARE '00, Elsinore, Denmark,. 155-156
  • KOLEVA, B., SCHNÄDELBACH, H., BENFORD, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 2000. Traversable interfaces between real and virtual worlds In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI '00, The Hague, The Netherlands, 01 - 06 April 2000. 233-240
  • BENFORD, S.D., TAYLOR, I.M., BRAILSFORD, D.F., KOLEVA-HOPKIN, B., CRAVEN, M.P., FRASER, M., REYNARD, G.T. and GREENHALGH, C.M., 1999. Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web ACM Computing Surveys. 31(4es), Article 25
  • KOLEVA, B., BENFORD, S. and GREENHALGH, C., 1999. The properties of mixed reality boundaries ECSCW. 6TH, 119-138
  • BENFORD, S., GREENHALGH, C., REYNARD, G., BROWN, C. and KOLEVA, B., 1998. Understanding and constructing shared spaces with mixed-reality boundaries ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 5(3), 185-223

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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