CS Seminar Series: Interactive Visual Discovery in Event Analytics

Jubilee Campus, LT2 Exchange Building
Monday 12th June 2017 (14:00-15:00)

Ben Shneiderman will give a seminar in the Exchange building on Jubilee Campus.

Interactive Visual Discovery in Event Analytics: Electronic Health Records and Other Applications

Event Analytics is rapidly emerging as a new topic to extract insights from the growing set of temporal event sequences that come from medical histories, e-commerce patterns, social media log analysis, cybersecurity threats, sensor nets, online education, sports, etc. This talk reviews our decade of research on visualizing and exploring temporal event sequences to view compact summaries of thousands of patient histories represented as time-stamped events, such as strokes, vaccinations, or admission to an emergency room. Our current work on EventFlow supports point events, such as heart attacks or vaccinations and interval events such as medication episodes or long hospitalizations. Demonstrations cover visual interfaces to support hospital quality control analysts who ensure that required procedures were carried out and clinical researchers who study treatment patterns that lead to successful outcomes. I show how domain-specific knowledge and problem-specific insights can lead to sharpening the analytic focus so as to enable more successful pattern and anomaly detection.

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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