The Uses and Abuses of the American Past

The Uses and Abuses of the
American Past

HOTCUS Postgraduate and
ECR Conference 



Saturday 20 October, 2018


9am - 6pm 
Registration will open at 8:30 and there will be an evening reception following the conference. 


Humanities Building, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD (building no.55 on the campus map)


£12 - Students, unemployed and casually employed ECRs 

£18 - Permanently employed 


Book your place now 


Keynote speakers

Professor Michael Cullinane, University of Roehampton

Conference essentials 


Location map

Project team 

Mark Eastwood, PhD in American Studies, University of Nottingham

This conference is supported by the British Association for American Studies and Louisiana State University Press

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The conference is designed to offer a productive forum for both intellectual and career development for PG and ECR academics working in the field of 20th-century American history. 

Recent political debates across the United States have witnessed different groups claim and contest aspects of the American past to advance their causes. From the changing role of America in the world to tumultuous conversations about civil war monuments, the Standing Rock demonstrations, arguments over school history curricula, and debates about contemporary racial politics influenced by the immigrant history of the United States, the meaning of American history has been invoked on behalf of a myriad of causes. In a mid-term election year, amidst apparently deepening divides of politics, identity and culture, the significance of the American past is only likely to become more contested. As we reflect on the 50th anniversary of the turbulent year of 1968, it is pertinent for scholars to discuss and debate the uses and abuses of the American past and historical memory. 

This HOTCUS postgraduate and early career conference brings together a myriad of scholars from across the UK and beyond to discuss this and other issues. The conference is a mixture of traditional academic panels and developmental round tables designed to stimulate discussion and develop the skills to enhance participants' career opportunities. 



The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151