
Wellness, Illness and the Psalms: Thinking Theologically with the Bible



13 October 2018


10 am - 16:30 pm


Humanities A02, University Park Campus


£15 (£5 concessions)


Registration closed


Keynote speakers

Tarah Van De Wiele...
Katherine Southwood...
Simeon Zahl...
Susannah Ticciati...

Conference Papers

The "innards" in the Psalms and Job as Metaphors for Illness (Katherine Southwood)
The Psalmist Syndrome (Tarah Van De Wiele)
Sin and the Body in the Psalms (Simeon Zahl)
Augustine on Healing in the Psalms (Susannah Ticciati)

About the conference

This event is an interdisciplinary workshop for researchers and students, led by the Centre for Bible, Ethics and Theology at the University of Nottingham.

The book of Psalms has been used in Jewish and Christian worship for more than two millennia, with a particular and special place in liturgies for the ill, afflicted and the dying. In these poems and songs the psalmists express their distress at various forms of illness and their hope for restoration to wellness. This workshop is designed to facilitate a constructive biblical and theological dialogue about contemporary concepts of wellness and illness, drawing on the book of Psalms as a foundational text.

The format reflects CBET’s particular commitment to collaborative work between theologians and biblical scholars, featuring sustained reflections and ample time for discussion. Speakers include two Hebrew Bible scholars and two systematic theologians whose recent work has focused on ideas of illness and wellness in the ancient and contemporary world.

Conference essentials


Location map



The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151