Submission Details
Using the author template for papers, please submit your contributions in Word format to the EasyChair online: submission system by the submision dates as listed below.
If you are not already registered at, you will need to create an account.
Guidance for presenters
For authors who are only presenting a poster, please submit your single page abstract via Easy Chair using this template
Note to Accepted Authors - Uploading Camera Ready Copy
Your final camera ready version should be uploaded by 15 June.
When you log in to EasyChair, the menu bar will have either “Submission #” or “My Submissions” (when you have multiple submissions). Click on the submission number tab to access information about that submission in the top-right corner.
Select “Update file” from the right-hand menu and a new screen will open to allow you to upload your “camera-ready” version, which will replace the old submission. Remember to click the “Submit” after uploading the new file.
Don’t forget: For your paper to be accepted, at least one author must have registered to attend the conference. The early bird registration rate is available until 1 July.
Please also make sure to acknowledge the copyright terms at the end of the paper template.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference.
The Journal of Enabling Technologies (JET) has agreed to publish special editions containing selected papers from the ICDVRAT 2018 Conference, papers Selected will be notified after the 2018 Conference.

The Journal of Enabling Technologies (JET) is the new name for the Journal of Assistive Technologies (from 2017). This new name emphasises the main aim of the journal which has always been to provide a strong, insightful, international, and multi-disciplinary evidence base in health, social care, and education about how technologies can be enabling for children, young people and adults in many different aspects of their lives. Although the name is changing, the focus remains firmly on reporting innovations about how technologies are used and evaluated in practice, and the impact that they have on the people using them.JET aims to raise awareness of available technologies and their uses in health, social care and education for a wide and varied readership. The areas in which technologies can be enabling include, but are not limited to:
- Communication and interaction
- Learning
- Independence and autonomy
- Identity and culture
- Safety
- Health
- Care and support
- Wellbeing
- Quality of life
Sage puglishingThe Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal focusing on the engineering aspects and their practical applications of rehabilitation and assistive technologies. It covers engineering design, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering devices and their applications, robotics and biomedical engineering. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Proceedings 2018