
Data Visualisation Workshop

Data visualisation is both an art and a science. It is an art concerned with unleashing creativity and innovation, designing communications that appeal on an aesthetic level and survive in the mind on an emotional one. It is a science aimed at understanding and exploiting the way our eyes and brains process information most efficiently and effectively. Not too long ago we might have associated charting or graphing data as a specialist or fringe activity: it was something that scientists, engineers and statisticians did. Nowadays, the analysis and presentation of data is a mainstream pursuit.

Yet, very few of us have been taught how to do these types of tasks well. Taste and instinct normally prove to be reliable guiding principles but they aren’t sufficient alone to effectively and efficiently navigate through all the different challenges we face and the choices we have to make.


The optional half-day 2nd workshop with Andy Kirk is £150.


The workshop is limited to 25 people, so register for the workshop now!

Register now



About the workshop

This workshop will provide an introduction to data visualisation, informing and inspiring anyone interested in learning about the subject regardless of role, background or expertise.

Regardless of whether you are a seasoned analyst, a competent designer or a complete novice this session should provide you with a great foundation to take your understanding to the next level.

Workshop structure

The session is structured around a proven methodology that will equip you with the knowledge, skills and resources required to make sense of data, to find stories and to tell stories from your data.

The session will be a mix of:

  • presentations
  • group exercises
  • discussions.


Whilst solid computer skills are desirable, the main prerequisite is that you have a curiosity and desire to use data as a means of unlocking insights and communicating stories.

These will be key to getting the maximum benefit from this session. 


Each delegate will receive a USB stick with all presentation and exercise materials. Ideally, you will bring a laptop with you but if you can’t, don’t worry, there will be chance to share with others.


Workshop agenda


Data Visualisation workshop agenda
Time Topic

Introductions and objectives

9.10am What is Data Visualisation?
Historical milestones, modern context, foundation understanding
9.30am - 12.30pm

The Data Visualisation Design Methodology

  1. Establishing purpose and identifying parameters
    Function and tone, key factors, the 8 hats of data visualisation design
    Exercise 1 – Evaluation of sample visualisation projects
  2. Acquiring, preparing and exploring your data to begin familiarisation
    Data examination, learn about your data, visual literacy and analysis
  3. Finding and telling stories about your data
    Importance of editorial focus, narrative structures and considerations
    Exercise 2 – Identifying data stories and narratives 
  4. Conceiving your visualisation design
    The anatomy of an effective visualisation – the ‘5 layers’
    Taxonomy of different chart methods and types
    Exercise 3 – Develop concept design 
  5. Constructing, launching and evaluating your visualisation solution
    Sample demonstration
    Tools, software, applications

Learning resources
Questions and answers






Dashboarding for Peak University Performance

East Midlands Conference Centre
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RJ