
KTP Associate Conference Programme 2018

Day 1 - Monday 25th June 2018
TimeSessionSpeaker (s)
  9:45am  Registration and Refreshments  KTP Team
 10:15am  Welcome  Ben Sumner, Research & Innovation, UoN
 10:30am Keynote 1: "Why your disruptive innovation is the  easiest part of disruptive commercialisation" Professor Sayed Azam-Ali, Crops for Future 
 11:30am Workshop: "Ingenuity Challenge"  Professor Simon Mosey, UoN
1:00pm Lunch, West Atrium 

 Associate Presentation 1: "Adopting Together"

Coralie Merchant, St David's Children Society and Cardiff University
 2:15pm  Associate Presentation 2: "Nose to Brain Drug Delivery" Barzin Gavtash, 3M and Loughborough University
 2:30pm  Associate Presentation 3: "Acoustic Nonwovens: 'Sound' Textiles" Neha Sharma, Cosmopolitan Textiles Company and University of Salford
 2:45pm  Associate Presentation 4: "Insect Farming: a 21st Century Solution?" Douglas Moore, Monkfield Nutrition and University of Nottingham
 3:00pmBreak, West Atrium 

 Panel Session 1: "KTP..."

Hear from ex-KTP Associates about their KTP experiences, the challenges they faced and the opportunities they gained.

 Deepa Agarwal, UoN

 Martina Sykorova, UoN

 Bharath Sudev, Flakt Woods

 Arturo Castillo Salazar, Capital One

 4:00pm  "The KTP Family"  Richard Lamb, Innovate UK
 4:20pm  Closing and Instructions for Evening  KTP Team
 6:30pm Drinks Reception & Dinner, West Atrium                      


Day 2 - Tuesday 26th June 2018
 Time       Session                       Speaker (s) 
 8:45am     Welcome and Refreshments                                             KTP Team                              
 9:00am      Keynote 2: "Future Gazing and Future Shaping" Professor Chris Barnatt
 10:05am   Associate Presentation 5: "Intelligent Assessment of Oil and Gas Pipelines" Amine Ait Si Ali, PII Ltd and Northumbria University
 10:20am   Associate Presentation 6: "Leveraging Crowdsourced Cycling Data to Build Smarter Cities" Michael Taylor, See Sense and Queen's University Belfast
 10:30am   Break, West Atrium 

 Panel Session 2: "...and beyond"

In this session, hear from speakers in academia and industry about their professional journeys, what influenced them along the way and their tips for those taking the next steps in their careers.

Duncan Moules, Boots

 Felicity Rose, UoN

Gemma Pearce, Loopwheels 

 Andy Newnham, UoB                                                                                                                                      


 Keynote 3: "What did KTP ever do for me?"

 Matt Hague, Microlise


 Closing and Competition Winner Announcement

 KTP Team

 12:30pm Lunch, West Atrium 


*Some speakers and session times may be subject to change.


The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151