CRVCCentre for Research in Visual Culture

Cinematic Rome

Conference 17-18 September 2005

An international conference organised by Nottingham Institute for Research in Visual Culture (NIRVC), University of Nottingham


  • MICHAEL BAUMGARTNER (University of Salzburg)'Greenaway's Belly:The Gaze of the Filmmaker on Rome'
  • JACOPO BENCI* 'Michelangelo's Rome: Towards an Iconology of L'Eclisse'
  • STEFANO BASCHIERA (National University of Ireland, Cork)
  • Bertolucci's `The Grim Reaper: Rome as a New Wave City?'
  • LESLEY CALDWELL 'Inside and Outside the City Walls: Cinematic Explorations of Inner Rome in the Work of Ferlan Ozpetek'
  • BERTRAND FICAMOS 'Glauber Rocha's Claro, or the Tragic Legibility of Chaos'
  • MARK GOODALL (University of Bradford) Mondo Roma: Images of Italy in the Shockumentary Tradition
  • OLIVIER MAILLART 'A Comforting Epic: the Fascist Adventure Film'
  • ANNE MOREY 'Home or Away? Rome in the Pre- and Postwar American Religious Blockbuster'
  • JOANNA PAUL 'Rome Ruined and Fragmented: The Cinematic city in Fellani-Satyricon and Roma'
  • ROBERT R. SHANDLEY 'Roman Holiday: Industrial Salvation in the Eternal City'
  • MARK SHIEL 'Imagined and Built Spaces in the Rome of Neorealism'
  • MICHAEL SIEGEL 'Neorealism and the Fascist Construction of Space'
  • MARIA WYKE* 'Classics, Cinema, and Cultural Identity: Julius Caesar in Italy and the USA (1914-1922)'

*Plenary speaker 


Centre for Research in Visual Culture

University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
