Conferences and symposia
As a forum for research in art-historical and visual culture studies, we draw on a range of disciplines, within and beyond the university.
Through our integration with the
Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies we bring university staff and students together with other institutions, researchers, and research networks both nationally and internationally.
Upcoming events
Past events
- Correspondences: Art, Theatre and Opera in France 1750-1850 (supported by the Royal Musical Society), National Gallery, London. Now published as Sarah Hibberd and Richard Wrigley (eds), Art, Theatre, and Opera in Paris 1750-1850: Exchanges and Tensions (Ashgate, 2013)
- Gender and the City before Modernity. Published as Gender and History Special Issue for May 2012, ed. Lin Foxhall, Gabriele Neher 2008
- 3-day Symposium with W.J..Mitchell: Day 1: Sites of Conflict, Day 2: 21st-Century Anxiety Image, Space, Text: Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity 2-4 July
- Representing the Everyday in Americal Visual Culture
- Display and Spectacle. In conjunction with the Association of Art Historians
- Visual Histories, transdisciplinary research student workshop, 28 April
- Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to the Modernity. Richard Wrigley (Art History, Nottingham) & Mark Bradley (Classics, Nottingham), collaboration with the British School at Rome. Published as Mark Bradley (ed.) Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in Rome from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2012), 21-22 June
- Space, Place and Visuality, with W.J.T. Mitchell (Stephen Daniels, Geography, Mark Rawlinson, Art History)
- The Herbert Read Conference, Tate Britain, London, 25-26 June
- Victorian Sculpture
- Image and Critique: Image - Thought - Text, 13 September