CRVCCentre for Research in Visual Culture

Pollution and Propriety – Resources

The following references and links may be of interest to delegates attending the conference. This is only a preliminary list and a fuller version will be compiled for the conference volume: the organisers would therefore welcome any suggestions of further material to add to this list. Please email



  • Campkin, B. & Cox, R. (forthcoming, 2007) Dirt: New Geographies of Cleanliness and Contamination (London, IB Tauris)
  • Anthropology of pollution: Douglas, M. (1966) Purity and danger: an analysis of concepts of taboo and pollution (London)
  • Jenner, M. (1997) 'Overground, Underground: Pollution and Place in Urban History', Journal of Urban History.
  • Miller, W. (1998) The anatomy of disgust (Harvard)
  • Smith, V. (2007) Clean: a history of personal hygiene and purity (Oxford) – for details, see


  • Bradley, M. (2002) 'It all comes out in the wash: looking harder at the Roman fullonica', Journal of Roman Archaeology 15: 20-44
  • Dupré Raventós, X. & Remolà, J-A. (2000) Sordes urbis: la eliminación de residuos en la ciudad romana (Rome)
  • Edlund-Berry, I. (2006) - 'Hot, Cold, or Smelly: The Power of Sacred Water in Roman Religion, 400-100 B.C.', in Schultz & Harvey (eds.) Religion in Republican Italy (Cambridge)
  • Gowers, E. (1995) 'The anatomy of Rome from Capitol to Cloaca', Journal of Roman Studies 85: 23-32
  • Hope, V. & Marshall, E. (2000 eds.) Death & Disease in the ancient city (London).
  • Hopkins, A. & Wyke, M. (2005 eds.) Roman bodies: antiquity to the eighteenth century (London: British School at Rome).
  • Hopkins, J. (2007) ’The Cloaca Maxima and the Monumental Manipulation of Water in Archaic Rome’, in K. W. Rinne, ed. The Waters of Rome (Charlottesville, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities,University of Virginia).
  • Lloyd, G. (2003) In the grip of disease: studies in the Greek imagination (Oxford), rev. by van der Eijk in Classical Review 2005: 493-95.
  • Parker, R. (1983) Miasma: pollution and purification in early Greek religion (Oxford)
  • Classic study of Roman sanitation: Scobie, A. (1986) 'Slums, Sanitation, and Mortality in the Roman World,' Klio 68.2: 399-433
  • Sourvinou-Inwood, C. (1995) 'Reading' Greek Death: To the End of the Classical Period. (Oxford: Clarendon Press)
  • Stevens, S (2005) 'Reconstructing the Garden Houses at Ostia. Exploring Water Supply and Building Height', BABesch 80: 113-123


  • Leyser, C. (1998) 'Masculinity in Flux: Nocturnal Emission and the Limits of Celibacy in the Early Middle Ages', in D. Hadley (ed.) Masculinity in Medieval Europe (London) 103-119.
  • Moore, R.I. (1987) The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 (Oxford)


  • Jenner, M. (2000) 'From Conduit Community to Commercial Network? Water in London 1500-1725', in P. Griffiths & M.S.R.Jenner (eds.) Londinopolis: Essays in the Social and Cultural History of Early Modern London (Manchester UP)
  • Jenner, M. (2002) 'The Roasting of the Rump: Scatology and the Body Politic in Restoration England', Past and Present 177.
  • Jenner, M. (1995) ‘The Politics of London Air: John Evelyn's Fumifugium and the
    Restoration', Historical Journal.
  • Jenner, M. (1998) 'Bathing and Baptism: Sir John Floyer and the Politics of Cold
    Bathing' in K. Sharpe & S. Zwicker (eds.) Refiguring Revolutions: Aesthetics and
    Politics for the English Revolution to the Romantic Revolution (University of
    California Press)
  • Slack, P. (1988) 'Responses to Plague in Early Modern Europe: The Implications of Public Health', Social Research 55: 433-453.
  • Sonnino, E. & Traina, R. (1982) 'La peste del 1656-57 a Roma: organizzazione sanitaria e mortalità', in La demografia storica delle città italiane (Bologna: CLUEB), 433-52.
  • Cipollla, C. (1992) Miasmas and disease: public health and the environment in the pre-industrial age (New Haven: Yale)
  • Rinne, K. (2001-2002) ‘The Landscape of Laundry in Late Cinquecento Rome’, Studies in the Decorative Arts 9 (1): 34-60.
  • San Juan, R-M. (2001) Rome, a city out of print (Minneapolis), esp. chap. 4 ‘Water’s Overflow’, 129-60. 

Centre for Research in Visual Culture

University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
