Current Students

May Fest is back as 'Wonder' – send us your activity ideas by 30 November!



wonder CN

May Fest will be back next year on Saturday 17 June 2017 as ‘Wonder’ - and as our biggest outreach event of the year, we’re asking you to be involved in making the day a success.

Historically we have attracted up to 5,000 visitors to University Park for May Fest and with your help, we want Wonder to be even more popular in 2017. In order to showcase the very best of what the University has to offer to a wide audience, we’re asking students and staff to create and run activities on behalf of their faculty, school, department, research group, society or club on the day.

To make it a fun and unique event for Nottinghamshire, we’re looking for activities to encourage discovery, play and learning and we have a few themes from which to draw inspiration. The event will take place at University Park and is aimed at local families as well as University partners, donors and alumni – we’re throwing open the doors and welcoming everyone along!

Q: So how do I come up with an activity idea for Wonder 2017?

Get some friends together and think about:

  1. Audience
    Our audience is the most important element to consider - we want to make sure we’ve got something for everyone on the day. The event will be promoted to local families, but also to local alumni, donors, volunteers, and partners of the University. This means your activity could appeal to one or more of these groups, and either children, teens or adults (or all three). It should also ideally be an open activity that anyone can wander up to and take part in either at a fixed time or throughout the day.
  2. Themes
    We would also like you to consider how you could create an activity aligned to one or more of our 5 key internal themes. These are health and well-being, culture and heritage, economic, environment and partnerships. Here’s some more detailed information about the themes.

Q: I have a great idea! How do I let you know about it?

Easy, just fill in the quick online form. This year we’re running an expression of interest process, which means we’ll review all online applications, have a look at space allocations and then let you know if your activity has been accepted into the plan in the new year.

The deadline for close of applications is Wednesday 30 November 2016.

If you have any general enquiries please contact the Faculty PVC’s and Directors of Professional Services have been fully briefed about this event so if your query is specific to your department, you can also check directly with them.

Posted on Tuesday 18th October 2016

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353