Student Engagement Dashboard

Postgraduate students studying in the Monica Partridge Building 720x313

The Student Engagement Dashboard is a welfare initiative that helps enable staff to identify students who are struggling and reach out with an offer of academic or wellbeing support.

The dashboard compiles existing data pertaining to your use of digital learning tools, as well as attendance data for in-person teaching, to provide key members of academic and support staff with an overview of each student's academic engagement. 

If a member of staff notices a significant change in your levels of academic engagement, your personal tutor or a member of the Support and Wellbeing team may reach out with an offer of support. To account for individual preferences and differences in styles of study, your data will only ever be reviewed in the context of your own studies. There will be no judgement attached to an offer of support - merely an offer to help if you need it.

The dashboard is intended as a welfare resource and wil not impact your grades or assessments. If you are on a sponsored student visa a version of the dashboard will also be used to support the monitoring requirements of UK Visas and Immigration.

The university is currently piloting a new student engagement dashboard called SEAtS. There are 5 schools/departments taking part in this pilot (Chemical Engineering, Foundation Arts, Midwifery, Law, and Pharmacy). If you are a student in one of the pilot schools please refer to the SEAtS webpage.


Frequently asked questions

What does engagement mean?
How will engagement data be used?
What data is collected?
Who will see my data?
Will it affect my grades?
Can I see my data?
How might I be contacted about my engagement?
Can I opt out of having my data collected in the dashboard?
How does this affect the university's Privacy Policy?

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353