Current Students

Notts Triathlon returns to University Park Campus



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Are your bicycle rides missing something? Do you find yourself thinking about the pounding of feet on tarmac when you’re doing laps in the pool? Perhaps you have a competitive streak or simply want to challenge yourself. If so, why not sign up for the Sandicliffe Ford Notts Triathlon and TriStars Aquathlon event at University Park Campus on Sunday 2 April?

Students of all abilities are invited to take part in the event, which consists of a 400m swim at the University Park Swimming Pool, a 5-lap 15km cycle around internal campus roads and a 5km run through campus, around Highfields Lake and finishing on the downs.

The event will climax with a final varsity wave between top members of University Triathlon Clubs form across the UK.

For more information and to book your place, visit the Notts Triathlon website.

Worried your student loan won’t cover the cost of all the equipment you need to enter a triathlon? UoN Sport list 10 things you don’t need to enter the Notts Triathlon event.

Posted on Friday 3rd March 2017

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