Current Students

University Experiences questionnaire for transgender students


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If you’re transgender we’d like to hear about your experiences at The University of Nottingham please via a short, 12-question survey.

If you’re not trans but you think you have relevant information that you want to share with us you can anonymously fill in the free text boxes on the form. Please try to be frank, whether positive or negative!

Why are we asking?
- To give you a chance to give feedback, in case there are areas that we urgently need to improve;
- To let us know whether there are particular barriers that affect trans students;
- To give us a baseline from which we can judge our performance as an institution, and a rough idea of how many trans students are studying here.

This survey has been created by the Trans Working Party and the Department of Sport. Survey results will be reported in aggregate and anonymised so it won't be possible to identify individuals and your individual survey responses will then be deleted. Only current students at The University of Nottingham should complete the survey please. The survey closes on 7 April.

The survey can be accessed via this webpage.

Posted on Wednesday 8th March 2017

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353