Current Students

UoN placement student's research featured in national news


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Emma Levin, a third year Politics and Economics student, recently completed a placement for the Electoral Reform Society during which she conducted important research on the House of Lords.

Emma’s placement was as a Summer Research Assistant as part of the School of Politics Placement Programme, during which she undertook research on the behaviour and contributions of the members of the House of Lords. The research focused on the roles that the members play in voting as well as their expense claims.

Her research has since been picked up by national news outlets including BBC Radio 2, BBC Daily Politics and ITV Good Morning Britain.

Emma said: “I would highly recommend other students look into gaining placements through the university. During my placement I got a real insight into the process behind the statistics that appear in our newspapers every day.

“I am incredibly grateful to the ERS for allowing me to have such independence in leading the direction of my research. The issue of Lords reform is high on the agenda at the moment and the ERS is one of the major players at the forefront of this debate. To see my work published in their name was a massive honour. I hope to transfer the skills I developed during my placement into a career in research after I graduate this summer.”

Josiah Mortimer, Head of Communications at the Electoral Reform Society, said: “It’s fair to say Emma’s work led the news agenda on the 21st September.

“She performed her research diligently, often independently, and went far beyond what was expected to produce a full package of data and analysis.”

Read Emma’s blog post for the Electoral Reform Society.

To find out about the variety of placement opportunities available to you, visit the Placements page on the Student Services website.

Posted on Thursday 9th November 2017

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