Current Students

Join a Student Services feedback focus group — and get a £15 Amazon Voucher


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Student Services is looking for students’ thoughts on our current ways of gaining feedback and what we can do better when it comes to getting your views.

To help with this, we’re inviting students to take part in our focus groups. As a thankyou, participants will receive a £15 Amazon voucher.

All students are welcome, from any subject and at any stage of study. However, places on these focus groups are limited so advance booking is required.

The sessions will take place 1:30-3pm, Friday 8 June and 10-11:30am, Wednesday 13 June at University Park Campus (precise location TBC).

To book your place or for any more information, email

Posted on Wednesday 16th May 2018

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353