Current Students

Students' Union refresh – October update


Portland Screen 714x249

The transformation of the Portland Building continues and there have been plenty of changes since the last update. 

Below is a level-by-level breakdown of what’s new.

Level A

The Chaplaincy and Faith Support moved into their new space during Welcome Week and are all settled and ready to go. Don’t forget they support students of any faith, including none, so don’t hesitate to head down to Level A if you need some advice.

Level B

Work on the new retail zone is ongoing but we’re expecting it to be complete very soon. Look out for exciting new developments.

Level C

The Get Involved Zone is now home to societies, sports, volunteering, events and Karnival. The Education Network and the Representation and Development team (who look after elections, campaigning and student leaders) are in the Make Change Zone, just next door. Head down and check out the new spaces.

The new Media Zone (home to Impact, URN, NSTV, and the CD and Record Library) is almost ready. Keep an eye out for that coming soon.

Levels D and E

Work on your new Shhh! Space and bookable meeting rooms is about to start and everything should be ready to use by December.

Visit the SU website to find out more.

Posted on Thursday 25th October 2018

Student Communications Officer

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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