Black History Month has been celebrated in the UK for more than 30 years. It acknowledges signature moments in the history of the UK and is a celebration of the magnificence of cultural diversity and the enriching value in peaceful co-existence.
A number of events are taking place at the University of Nottingham this month in celebration of Black History Month, acknowledging history is being made not just during October but every minute, every hour, every day, every week and month.
We’d like to encourage everyone to get involved, join our celebrations and share details of the programme within their respective areas.
Event highlights include:
- 20th Century Britain through the lens of Black American Music
7.30-10pm, Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October 2019 at Peggy’s Skylight, 3 George Street, Nottingham NG1 3BH Join us for the screening of three BBC documentaries directed by the British director James Maycock:
- Northern Soul: Living for the Weekend
- The Motown Invasion: How the Detroit Label Captured the UK’s Soul
- Gershwin’s Summertime: The Song that Conquered the World
Gain a unique perspective, at different times and places during the mid-20th Century, of the influence of Black American music and youth culture on the UK – well before the advent of either social media or Hip Hop.
For more information, and to book your place, please visit the event page.
- Career Success – the BME Experience
4-6.30pm, Thursday 17 October at the Senate Chamber, Trent Building, University Park
Join our BME staff, students and alumni to hear about their careers, have your questions answered, share experiences, get ideas and build your network. A mix of short presentations and informal small-group discussion, the evening will be chaired by Dr Nalayini Thambar, Director of Careers and Employability.For more information, and to book your place, please visit the event page.
Activities, events and more across our Faculties, Schools, Departments and Professional Service are listed below:
- Black Healthcare Leaders and Trailblazers
Tuesday 1 – Thursday 31 October, Medical School Foyer, QMCA display of black healthcare leaders and trailblazers will be in the foyer of the Medical School for Black History Month.
- Organ and Blood Donor Awareness Campaign
- 11am-1pm, Tuesday 8, 15, 22, 29 October, A Floor, Medical School Foyer
- 10am-2pm, Saturday 12 October, Nottingham City Centre
- 10am-2pm, Saturday 19 October, Beeston Town Centre
The School of Health Sciences BME Student Network is leading a month-long campaign to raise awareness of blood and organ donation, at the University of Nottingham and in the wider Nottingham community. Because of the new rules around organ donation changing next spring, and low numbers of blood and tissue donors from the black community, this is at timely campaign to debunk myths around donation and encourage more people to register.
- BecoME: BME Leaders in Healthcare Conference
9am-5pm, Saturday 26 October, Business School South
The School of Health Sciences BME Student Network, together with the Afro Caribbean Medical Network and the Students’ Union BME Network, present “BecoME: BME Leaders in Healthcare” conference. Open to all, this conference will highlight the journeys of prominent BME leaders in healthcare, offer career building workshops, and provide an opportunity to network with other current and future leaders of healthcare.
For more information, and to book your place, please visit the event page.
- Film Screening: I Am Not Your Negro
4-7pm, Wednesday 9 October in B63, Law and Social Sciences Building, UniversityPark
This 2017 documentary film, I Am Not Your Negro, is based on James Baldwin’s final, unfinished manuscript ‘Remember This House’. The film uses the words of James Baldwin to explore the troubling issues that face people of colour living in the US.
Find out more on the event page.
- African Drumming Workshop
12-2pm on Thursday 10 October in the Medical School Foyer, Queen’s Medical Centre
Join us for a workshop where you can learn more about African drumming.
For more information, contact Linda Allsop at linda.allsop@nottingham.ac.uk.
- Steel Drum Band
12-2pm, Friday 11 October in Hipps Cafe, A Floor, Queen’s Medical Centre
A live steel drum band performance with Caribbean food available in Hipps Café.
For more information, contact Linda Allsop at linda.allsop@nottingham.ac.uk.
- Let’s Dance! Free salsa classes and food market
12-2pm, Tuesday 15 October, Medical School Foyer, Queen’s Medical Centre
Come and have a go and learn a few steps! Cleon has been teaching salsa for a very long time and is great fun. Or just come along to watch and have lunch at our food market from 11am. So much to choose from – Indian, Indonesian and Jamaican.
For more information, contact Linda Allsop at linda.allsop@nottingham.ac.uk.
- Windrush is not history: Lunch and Seminar
12.30-2pm, Wednesday 23 October in B63 Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park
This seminar will explore how the resonances of the past persist in the present, focusing on drawing out the interlinked web of historical events and present-day exclusions.
Find out more on the event page.
- Decolonising the curriculum
2.30-5pm on Wednesday 30 October in A4 Law and Social Sciences Building
This workshop is an opportunity to re-think the beliefs that underpin the curriculum, to challenge these values and to imagine a different curriculum that is inclusive of other voices/histories/theories.
Find out more on the event page.
- University of Nottingham Libraries
Libraries are celebrating Black History Month by asking staff and students to recommend reads which explore BME culture and history to build a Black History month reading list.
Find out more on the Libraries webpages.
Posted on Tuesday 8th October 2019