Current Students

Racial Harassment Inquiry - take part


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An inquiry into the types of racial harassment experienced at universities and other publicly-funded higher education institutions has been launched by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

The inquiry wants to hear from staff and students who have experienced, witnessed or helped in an incident of racial harassment from September 2015 onwards.

Publicly-funded universities - including the University of Nottingham - will also provide detailed information about the processes they have in place to support staff and students who have experienced or witnessed racial harassment.

Complete the student survey

Outlining the reasons for the inquiry, the EHRC website states: "Feeling a sense of belonging is an important factor in students and staff reaching their potential. Racial harassment can make people feel they don't belong somewhere.

"The inquiry seeks to better understand the experiences of staff and students who experience racial harassment and how effectively they can seek redress. We think this is an important part of feeling able to pursue studies and careers in higher education.

"Understanding this is important due to the link between race and achievement or participation in higher education."

Professor Sarah Sharples, the University's Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, said: "The University supports the Equality and Human Rights Commission inquiry into racial harassment at higher education institutions, and I encourage colleagues and students to complete the survey where relevant. We are reviewing the way harassment is reported and dealt with on our campuses, and the report will be a useful tool in helping us improve our support for staff and students."

The surveys close on 15 February. The inquiry's report is expected to be delivered in the autumn.

For more information on the inquiry visit the EHRC website.

Posted on Wednesday 9th January 2019

Student Communications Officer

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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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