Monday, 24 February 2020
Welcome mentors help new students to find their feet in their first few weeks at UoN. Interested in becoming a welcome mentor?
But it’s not just a way to help other students, it’s also an opportunity to develop and enhance your own skillset. Mentors will get the chance to develop skills such as active listening, enabling accessibility, bystander intervention, welfare and much more with training being provided to successful applicants.
We’re looking for a range of students with different interests and backgrounds to make Welcome as friendly and inclusive as possible. The ideal person for this role is someone who works hard and is dedicated to what they do, but more so, is a good team player.
For more information on the role, take a look at the official page and the FAQs. Applications close on Tuesday 22 March with interviews taking place on 31 March, 1 and 2 April. Submit your applications here