Wednesday, 08 November 2023
The Letters Page is currently accepting submissions for its seventh volume – send yours in for a chance to be published.
The Letters page is a literary journal devoted to the love of letter writing. It’s published by the School of English and edited by Jon McGregor, Professor of Creative Writing and award-winning novelist.
The journal is currently accepting submissions from writers. Your letter can take any form, including fiction, non-fiction, essays, poems, memoirs, travelogue and criticism. The only requirement is that it must be handwritten.
All submissions will receive a personalised aerogramme. To be considered for inclusion, send your handwritten letter to:
The Letters Page
School of English
University of Nottingham
The journal is printed in aerogramme format and sent out to the editorial board and all past contributors. Published contributors will receive a gift subscription to one of the project’s favourite small presses, as well as a lifetime subscription to its aerogramme letters.
Submissions are open to all. The journal has previously taken submissions from high-profile writers such as George Saunders, Naomi Alderman, Kevin Barry, and Colum McCann, as well as from people who have never previously published work. Some of those writers have since gone on to publish more widely.
Good luck with your submissions!