Thursday, 02 July 2020
An update on car parking permits for the 2019/20 academic year and parking permits for the 2020/21 academic year.
Since mid-March, the University has supported the Nottingham University Hospitals Trust and the Royal Derby Hospital by relaxing car parking enforcement and making spaces available to NHS staff. As more of the University estate is re-opened, parking spaces will be released to University staff and students and parking enforcement will be re-introduced on 1 September 2020.
As the University moved to remote teaching for the summer term, students holding a 2019/20 parking permit can receive a refund of costs for the summer term or the permit can be rolled over to cover the autumn term. Please email to request this.
As we move towards the new academic year in September, students at Sutton Bonington Campus are eligible to apply for a campus specific parking permit. At other locations, concessionary permits may be issued subject to strict criteria. You can find further details and how to apply for a student parking permit here.
To underpin the sustainability commitments in our new University Strategy and reduce the loss that the University currently makes between parking charges and its commitments to Nottingham City Council’s Workplace Parking Levy (WPL), the cost of a parking permit will need to rise by 15% for 2020/21.
Since the WPL was introduced, the University has paid more than £1 million to offset the difference between car parking revenue and our WPL obligations – this year’s increase will help offset the £169,000 shortfall for 2020/21.
Hopper buses
The University has continued to run a reduced number of hopper bus services over recent months to retain essential connectivity between our sites. In line with current government guidance anyone travelling on the hopper bus service is advised to wear a face covering.
The University will continue to monitor the latest guidance to ensure the health and safety of all passengers. Social distancing measures will inevitably mean that our services will need to operate differently, carry fewer passengers and make some changes to routes and interim stopping points. These measures continue to be developed as we understand the impact of any new guidelines and we will continue to provide regular updates on services and timetables.