
Don’t miss out on your preferred modules

Sunday, 08 September 2024
Make sure you complete module enrolment at your earliest opportunity so that your personal timetable is updated, you can access module information on Moodle, and to avoid missing out on capped modules.

Returning students

If you’re on a programme of study that offers optional modules, you will have selected these for the 2024/25 academic year back in May. You will soon have an opportunity to change these, should you wish to. Please note, if your programme of study consists of compulsory modules only, no action is needed.

The change of mind period takes place from 12 noon on Monday 23 September until 5pm on Friday 4 October 2024. Changes need to be made in the NottinghamHub web application during this time.

Before changing your module selection, please ensure you have completed your online registration for the 2024/25 academic year. We advise that you do this in advance of the change of mind period opening.

New students

If you’re on a programme of study that offers optional modules, you will be able to make your selections from 12 noon on Wednesday 25 September until 5pm on Wednesday 9 October 2024. Please note, if your programme of study consists of compulsory modules only, no action is needed.

You will need to do this in the NottinghamHub web application during this time. Don’t forget – to access NottinghamHub, you need to have registered.

Some modules have a limited number of places, so we recommend that you submit your choices at the earliest opportunity to avoid missing out. Although choices will remain provisional for now, Student Services will contact you via your university email address if there are any issues with your selection.

When making your choices, don’t forget that you may be able to take a module from another school. For more information – including a video demonstration for selecting modules – please see our module enrolment webpage.

If you’re a postgraduate research student, you can also elect to enrol on optional modules that are beneficial in supporting your degree. However, you will need to discuss any modules you wish to take with your supervisor first.

You may also wish to take a language module, if your programme of study allows it. Further information can be found on the Language Centre Information Hub.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353