Monday, 08 March 2021
New government regulations, which come into force today (Monday 8 March), mean you may legally travel home during the Easter holidays.
The updated ruling means that you may travel from your term-time address to another household, and back, on one occasion between Monday 8 March and Thursday 29 April, 'for the purposes of a vacation'.
However, the government has advised that you should remain in your term-time accommodation wherever possible to minimise the risk of any transmission caused by large numbers of people moving around the country.
Test to Protect
The guidance also highlights the importance of regular testing and asks all students to be tested before travelling in order to protect family and loved ones. Anyone who tests positive will be legally required to self-isolate for ten days and should not travel.
Book your test
Everyone who returns to campus should also be tested to prevent spreading the virus among fellow students.
The University of Nottingham expects all students to take weekly asymptomatic tests.
Our in-house testing service detects the coronavirus through a simple saliva sample. Regular testing offers reassurance, reduces onwards transmission of the virus, and helps to keep everyone safe. For more information visit our webpages.
Safer travel
Students travelling to university should follow the Covid-19 safer travel guidance for passengers.
This includes advice for using private or public transport and the measures you should undertake to keep everyone around you safe.