
Strike action 2020 hero

Industrial action at the University

Tuesday, 16 November 2021
We regret to inform you that the University of Nottingham is among 58 universities across the country that will experience industrial action by members of the University & College Union (UCU) in the form of strike action from 1 to 3 December 2021 followed by action short of a strike (working to contract).

The university will remain open throughout the industrial action and the vast majority of teaching and learning will proceed as usual. Please assume that your lectures, seminars and classes will take place unless notified otherwise. 

We have published FAQs to help you understand how we will minimise the impact of industrial action for you and the university’s position on what is a national dispute affecting many universities.

Key Points

  • for help and advice during the strike please read our FAQs here
  • assume your lectures, seminars and classes will take place, unless told otherwise
  • your schools will explore options to reschedule sessions or provide learning resources
  • six libraries are operating extended opening hours during term time (until 2am, Sunday - Thursday) to support your studies and independent learning - they are also offering a wide range of online services and resources

Our priority will be to minimise the impact of industrial action for students and the 90% of staff who will not participate in industrial action.

Where sessions are likely to experience industrial action, your schools will give you advance notice where possible, although staff members do not have to tell us in advance that they will take industrial action.

Schools will explore options to reschedule sessions, provide resources through Moodle, extend deadlines where helpful and ensure that assessments reflect the learning that has taken place. Our libraries, computer rooms, and services will be available throughout to enable ongoing support for your studies.

Whilst none of our colleagues take industrial action lightly, it is important to remember that 559 out of 1,250 UCU members voted for this industrial action. More than 6,000 staff on our UK campuses will not be participating in the action.

Please check our social media channels, this webpage and our FAQs regularly during the industrial action for information and updates.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353