
New bench in Highfields is a reminder to talk about our mental health

Friday, 21 January 2022
The bench has been donated by Netflix and CALM in celebration of the third season of Ricky Gervais’ After Life.

Fans of the show will know that there’s an important bench where protagonist Tony opens up about his feelings to his friend Anne. CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) has teamed up with Netflix to install 25 benches across the country.

One appears in Highfields Park next to University Park Campus, while another has been installed in the Arboretum in the city centre.

Talking to someone about your feelings is important – it can be the start of getting the help you need.

If you’ve been affected by grief, you can get support by contacting CALM. Visit our HealthyU webpages for advice on looking after your mental health.

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