Tuesday, 18 June 2024
University of Nottingham Sport launches new Vision for Sport - aiming to inspire and engage the university community to benefit from the value of sport.
The new University of Nottingham Sport strategy sets out five key priority areas through which the university will drive a sector-leading sport, fitness and wellbeing offer. These are; health and wellbeing, achieving potential, reputation and recruitment, community and partnerships, and sustainability, and complemented by the university’s core values and enablers.
Through these plans, University of Nottingham Sport will continue to work closely alongside the University of Nottingham Students’ Union and the university to further enhance the Nottingham student experience and ultimately to provide an education that is more than just a degree.
Read the Vision for Sport in full
University of Nottingham Students’ Union Sports Officer, Sean Nolan, said: “It's incredibly exciting to share our plans for the next chapter for University of Nottingham Sport. Sport has had a hugely positive impact on my Nottingham experience and I'm delighted to see that future students will be able to benefit from the same opportunities and more.”