
2022 Ingenuity Programme open for registration

Sustainable start-ups could receive support, mentoring and funding if successful.
28 October 2021

COP26: how you can take action to tackle climate change

The university has reinforced its dedication to tackling climate change ahead of COP26.
27 October 2021

Join the Switch Off campaign

This autumn and winter, join our energy saving campaign ‘go! Switch Off’ and take part in activities to help save energy, water and to recycle.
27 October 2021

Funding of up to £10,000 for student projects with Cascade - deadline extended

The Cascade funding programme offers up to £10,000 in funding for projects that benefit the student experience.
27 October 2021

Collecting your university card

You’ll need your university card to borrow books from the library and to enter some buildings on campus. Make sure you collect yours.
26 October 2021

Safe cycling during the winter months

The annual 'Brighten Up' campaign aims to promote safe cycling during the darker months.
25 October 2021

Safety on nights out in the city

Content warning: This message concerns spiking and, as such, contains references that some readers may find distressing.
21 October 2021

Quotezone Fintech Scholarship

Insurance comparison website, Quotezone, is offering three £1000 bursaries towards living expenses such as textbooks, course materials and car insurance. 
21 October 2021

Personal safety on nights out

The University and Students’ Union has been made aware of reports of spiking in nightclubs.
19 October 2021

Play your part in keeping us all safe from Covid-19

A message from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West, and Union Development Officer, George Sullivan.
15 October 2021


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University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353