
Online Mandarin classes

The Nottingham Confucius Institute is offering a range of Mandarin classes.
10 September 2021

Nottingham Nightline are recruiting volunteers

06 September 2021

Student Engagement Dashboard – supporting your academic engagement

The new Student Engagement Dashboard is being launched for the Autumn Semester and will help staff identify students in need of academic support.
06 September 2021

Secure your 365 account with multi-factor authentication

As part of an ongoing project, Digital and Technology Services have introduced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to improve our digital security.
03 September 2021

2021/22 teaching timetables for returning students

Individual teaching timetables for the Autumn Semester of the 2021/22 academic year will be available for returning students from Monday 6 September.
03 September 2021

Online registration for returning students

Registration for returning students is now open.
27 August 2021

University Testing Service: a year in review

The university-funded UoN Asymptomatic Covid-19 Testing Service has been a huge success since its launch in September 2020, with more than 80,000 student and staff tests carried out by a team of 25 core team members and 80 student helpers.
26 August 2021

Join the planning for Black History Month 2021

You are invited to join the programme board for the university's Black History Month celebrations.
24 August 2021

University joins local organisations in celebrating Nottinghamshire Day

The University of Nottingham will join a host of local organisations to mark Nottinghamshire Day – a day to celebrate all that is good in our county.
20 August 2021

Quarantine support for students travelling from red list countries

The university will offer financial support to help cover the quarantine costs of students who are required to travel from red list countries for the beginning of the academic year.
20 August 2021


Student news archive

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353