
Race Equality Charter action plan and submission - call for feedback

Tuesday, 01 December 2020
The University is preparing to submit its application for the bronze Race Equality Charter (REC) award in February 2021.

As the submission deadline nears, we want to ensure that you have the opportunity to add your voice further and respond to the near-final action plan and submission. Draft PDFs are now available on the Race Equality Charter Sharepoint. We invite all students to read and reflect on the documents, before completing short forms that will capture feedback.

The Race Equality Charter gives us a framework in which to identify, explore and address issues affecting the representation, progression and success of BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) staff and students at the University. Bronze status recognises the work the institution is doing to create “a solid foundation for eliminating racial inequalities and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff and students. A bronze award acknowledges commitment and preparation to act.”

One of the main ambitions for the Race Equality Charter self-assessment process was to give all staff and students the chance to be involved in the process in a variety of ways and to have their voices heard. The process started with an open call inviting staff and students to apply to be on the on the Self-Assessment Team (SAT). Since then, the team has been gathering input and feedback over the last two years to shape the submission and action plan. Engagement and involvement has included a University-wide survey, focus groups and town hall meetings.

Not all elements of the submission are available to all at present. Some sections have not been included in this opportunity for feedback, as they contain confidential information, along with data that could identify individual members of staff. Once the final application is submitted, the whole document will be published on our public-facing web pages with these specific elements redacted. For now, we have published the draft with those entire sections removed.

We are sharing on Sharepoint so that the documents are available to any students who wish to view and comment on them. We ask that you do not share the documents beyond the University community at this point, as they are draft – not final – documents. The submission must be written according to a standard framework determined by Advance HE and has a strict word limit.

Feedback will be carefully considered and used in the final shaping and tone of the submission. Suggestions which cannot be included at this stage will be used to progress and develop the action plan. This is a living document that will be continually adapted and improved as it is implemented across the institution over the coming four years.

Stacy Johnson, co-chair of the REC SAT, said: “As far as we know, no other University has taken the risk of sharing their near-full REC submission so widely in advance of submission before. We are committed to transparency and we believe that what will be gained from hearing the views of the UoN community at this point, outweighs the risk.

“We encourage staff and students to share their thoughts on the action plan and submission as it stands, and help us deliver an action plan and submission that will help transform, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours among staff and students and ultimately, our University culture.

“Your feedback is vital to ensure that this is a plan that the whole University can get behind.”

To view the documents and access the feedback forms, visit the Race Equality Charter Sharepoint.

The feedback forms will be closed at 5pm on Friday 11 December.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353