Monday, 03 February 2020
Complete Jisc’s Digital Experience Insights survey and you could win £100 in shopping vouchers.
This is your opportunity to help improve the digital environment at the University of Nottingham and, as a result, your digital skills and overall employability.
Complete the survey (for foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate taught students)
Complete the survey (for distance learners)
The survey should only take 10-15 minutes to complete.
The survey asks about how you use digital technologies and engage with key aspects of the digital environment. You’ll have the chance to suggest how you’d like digital technologies to be used in your learning.
In turn, this allows the University to dedicate resources to the issues that matter to you and will have the most positive impact on your University experience.
There are five prizes of £100 in shopping vouchers to be won by students who complete the survey.
If you have any questions about the surveys, please email
Data privacy
This survey is being carried out by the University of Nottingham in conjunction with Jisc. We will ask students questions about their course and experiences of digital learning, teaching staff about their use of digital tools and the digital infrastructure in teaching, and professional services staff about their use of digital tools and the digital infrastructure in their role. The data will be used to help improve students and staff digital experience at the University of Nottingham. Jisc will use anonymised, aggregated data for analysis, public reports and presentations. Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary and you can stop at any point without your responses being included in the dataset. More information regarding data protection at the University of Nottingham can be found on the Privacy webpages.