
Campus Walking Routes 1200x659

Try our campus walking routes

Thursday, 04 February 2021
Staying or studying on campus? Try one of our brand-new campus walking routes.

Those of you who have remained on – or have returned to study on – our campuses will likely have had chance to explore our beautiful campus grounds.

Now the University of Nottingham Sport team have put together a selection of their favourite walking routes so you can discover parts of our campuses that you may not have explored yet. Our routes range from quick 15-minute strolls to longer 3km+ routes, and take in some of the most beautiful sights of our extensive campuses.

Find out more

Don’t forget that if you use our Moves+ app you can record your steps to earn rewards.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353