
UoN Sports facilities to reopen

Monday, 30 November 2020
The University of Nottingham’s sport facilities will reopen on Wednesday 2 December.

Following a period of national restrictions, our sport and fitness facilities are now due to open in line with Tier Three guidelines.

All members and visitors are asked to pre-book their visit and to abide by our guidance. We will have strict social distancing guidelines in place, and have made some changes to ensure our facilities are safe environments for everyone.

In addition to using our facilities, you can continue to enjoy UoN Sport’s free online content – including live workouts, classes and wellbeing blogs.

Please note that there are some temporary adjustments to services available at David Ross Sports Village. This is because the sports hall is currently hosting the University’s Lateral Flow Test Centre. This means that swimming pool customers must access their swim sessions via the entrance directly adjacent to the swimming pool.

As we will be returning to Tier Three, indoor group exercise classes will remain suspended. This will be reviewed with local authorities at the earliest opportunity.

Please note that all casual indoor and outdoor court bookings are for a maximum of six people – these must be from the same household or support bubble for indoor sessions.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353