Don’t go to university just for your degree, get the experience and make a lot of friends. There may not be any other opportunity to meet so many people from around the world in one place than at university. In order to improve your chances of employment, make sure you get sufficient work experience in the summer. A nice holiday in Spain might seem enticing in the short run, but a hard worked summer would definitely be more rewarding in the long run, and would allow you to have better holidays in the future. Pasan Fernando, BA Hons European Politics, Graduated 2009
Don’t go to university just for your degree, get the experience and make a lot of friends. There may not be any other opportunity to meet so many people from around the world in one place than at university. In order to improve your chances of employment, make sure you get sufficient work experience in the summer. A nice holiday in Spain might seem enticing in the short run, but a hard worked summer would definitely be more rewarding in the long run, and would allow you to have better holidays in the future.
Pasan Fernando, BA Hons European Politics, Graduated 2009
Hear from students who have immersed themselves in all aspects of student life, from getting involved in the Students' Union to helping people in their local community.
From setting up their own fashion label to getting part-time work at University, find out how your fellow students are making themselves stand out in the graduate job market.
Ever dreamt about studying abroad, helping disadvantaged people across the globe or playing international sport, find out how our students made those dreams a reality.
Three students from the Department of American and Canadian studies spent their summer in Hollywood. Find out how they got on...
"While I ended up getting pretty seasick, this experience introduced a theme for me that was to recur throughout the expedition: a feeling of insignificance..."
12 hour days, six days a week, hard manual labour in baking heat. But no one from the School of the Built Environment - would argue that it hadn't been worth it.
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