Welcome to HealthyU


student reading in the library

Mental health and wellbeing

Stressed, worried about a friend or need someone to talk to? Don't be afraid to speak out.

two students indoor climbing

Keeping active

Keep in shape and feel the difference a small amount of regular excercise can bring.

blurry image of lights

Alcohol, drugs, smoking, addiction and gambling

Information including where to get help and advice.

two students outside of cripps

International students: Health Services and Wellbeing

Information for international students about who and where to go for help.

student at health desk

Sexual health and wellbeing

The facts you need to know about staying safe and feeling good about yourself.

three students sat down chatting

Domestic abuse

Are you, or anyone you know, a victim of domestic abuse?

students at a farmers market

Eat well

Get top tips on how to eat healthily on a student budget and make your own Michelin starred meals.

cripps health services

Health services

Know where and who to go to when you're concerned about your health or need advice.

lets be clear on consent

Clear on Consent

Information on consent and where to go for help if you have experienced sexual assault or rape.


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk