Mental health and wellbeing

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Pro-actively taking care of your mental health and wellbeing can play a key part in having a positive and successful university experience.   


It is recognised that one in three students will experience poor mental health at some point during their studies. We aim to provide you with information that will help you take care of yourself. We all experience times when we struggle, we want you to know it's ok to feel this way, and if things get too difficult support it avaiable if you need it.  




Togetherall provides a safe space for members to engage anonymously with a wider network of people across the world who understand what it's like to struggle with mental health.

Members can share thoughts and feelings, ask questions and access support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Togetherall is the only digital mental health service registered with the Care Quality Commission and are utilised by the Education sector, Military and the NHS.


How to join

  • Visit Togetherall's website 
  • Click 'register' 
  • Select 'I'm from a university or college'
  • Register with your academic email address (

Togetherall is available via the app or through the website using a device connected to the internet.

Read the Togetherall user guide for full instructions on joining and using Togetherall.

To find out more about Togetherall, watch the introductory video below.





Self help strategies & self care


Living with mental health issues


Understanding & managing stress 




Sleeping problems


Concerned about suicide






Mental health and finance


Extenuating Circumstances

Have your studies been affected by illness or unexpected events?  Then you may be entitled to a claim for extenuating circumstances.

Extenuating Circumstances procedure is intended to support you if you experience exceptional, unforeseeable, short-term circumstances which affect your ability to study or take assessments. 

Find out more about extenuating circumstances and how to apply.



Who to contact if you need support?

Support at university

Support and Wellbeing This service if the first point of contact for student wellbeing support. They can refer you to support and wellbeing practitioners, counsellors and mental health advisors as well as provide information about other local wellbeing services you can access.

Visit The Wellbeing Team page to find out more about the Support and Wellbeing team, as well as other services available. To book an appointment with support and wellbeing service visit StudentLife.

The Residential Experience (ResX) Team  


Disability Support Services provides student led support if you have a disability including mental health difficulty 


Support from Students' Union

Nottingham Nightline 

Students’ Union Advice 



Local support

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call NHS 111: People in mental health crisis in England can now call NHS 111.

Your local GP (doctor) Cripps Health Centre: 0115 846 8888

Orchard Practice, Kegworth: 01509 672 419

Turning point The Nottinghamshire Mental Health Helpline offers access to support for people who need emotional support or information about their mental health.

The service works alongside the Nottinghamshire Crisis Line, providing personalised advice, emotional support and information on coping mechanisms.

NottAlone Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

The Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries provides mental health crisis support to the communities of Nottinghamshire. The Crisis Sanctuaries are for anyone near, or at crisis who need a safe space to talk.


Improving Access to Psychological Therapy services (IAPT) provide assessment and treatment for people with ‘mild to moderate common mental health problems’ without the need for a GP referral.

Services available are:

Harmless provides support for people affected by self-harm

Kooth on-line counselling for young people



Support if you have been sexually assaulted or have experienced domestic abuse

Samaritans, 24 hour confidential emotional support service.          T: 116 123

Alcohol, drugs, smoking, addiction and gambling includes information about local support

Domestic abuse, information, advice and support

Eating Disorders contact your GP who may refer you onto a specialist service.Beat Helpline provide information and support.


Other sources of information and support 

NHS Mental health helplines

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity

Young Minds is the UK's leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health

Mind Mental Health Foundation provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem

Papyrus is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

What's up with everyone campaign

Help and support after a traumatic event

Trauma a guide for young people

Mental health support for the Jewish community

Mental health within different communities

UKCISA mental health support for international students



The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666