Health services

health centre pictures

Whilst at University you need to take responsibility for your health. This means getting the right balance between lifestyle, work and study. Both the University and local health services offer a wide range of support services that are available to you during your time here.


It’s important to register with a GP (sometimes called family doctor)

You should register with a doctor as soon as possible when you arrive at university. 

Cripps Health Centre  is conveniently situated on University Park and specialises in looking after students and staff as well as their families. 

You can register online here.  If you do not live in the catchment area for Cripps (Check here) you can visit the NHS Choices site to find your local health centre.

If you live in the Sutton Bonington area you may be able to register at the Orchard Practice in Kegworth.You can register online here.


Getting ill during the holidays

If you become unwell or need other medical treatment when you're away from your registered GP (including home students who return home for the holidays), you can contact your nearest GP to ask for treatment.

You can receive emergency treatment for 14 days. After that you will have to register as a temporary resident or permanent patient.Find out how to register as a temporary resident with a GP.

If you have an urgent care need use NHS111 first. This service can be found online, on the NHS App or by calling 111.



We strongly recommend that you are up to date with all vaccinations before coming to university. Some illnesses that spread quickly amongst large groups of people can be easily prevented by vaccinations.

Covid Vaccine


Other Vaccines


The NHS App

The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet, including the NHS COVID Pass. 

It keeps your data safe and secure. Once you’ve downloaded the App you will need to set up an NHS login and prove who you are. The app then securely connects to information from your GP surgery.

By linking to your GP record it lets you access your medicines, order repeat prescriptions and indicate whether you wish to donate your organs. You can also use it to access the NHS 111 service and it also shows your (COVID) vaccination status, sometimes called the COVID Pass. If you don’t yet have it, you can download it here


The NHS and International students

In the UK you need to register with an NHS doctor. It is important to do this on arriving at university, failure to do so can occasionally result in difficulty accessing free healthcare.


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666