Let's be Clear on Consent

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The University of Nottingham is working with the Students' Union to raise awareness about sexual consent amongst our students and staff.

Let’s be Clear on Consent is a University initiative that aims to provide students with information about sexual consent as well as tackle the myths and misunderstandings about sexual consent, rape and sexual abuse.

On this page you can find help and support, including where to go if you have experienced sexual assault or rape.

Let's be clear on consent - In Person Training Sessions

The University along with the Student’s Union ran mandatory, one hour, in-person consent training for all first year students during the first academic term and additional sessions in early February. 

There are no further sessions this academic year. 


Consent Coalition

Nottingham City Council alongside the University of Nottingham and other organisations, is part of the Consent Coalition, a group working together to:

  •  Raise awareness of the importance of consent
  • Challenge myths about rape and sexual violence
  • Encourage survivors to access support and/or report any sexual violence

University of Nottingham - Consent Course (Additional training - not mandatory training)

**Please note this is not the mandatory consent training**

This course is for anyone who has completed the mandatory consent training or just wants to further enhance their understanding of sexual consent.

This understanding is core to enabling you to form healthy, consensual relationships. There are many myths and misconceptions about sexual consent, so spending time completing this module is time well spent, and will give you an opportunity to refresh and develop your understanding.

The course content involves discussions of sexual violence, which might be difficult for some people. If this issue causes personal upset, please feel free to opt out of this course.

The course is best viewed on full screen on a tablet or laptop.


If you have been subject to - or have witnessed sexual violence or abuse, please consider letting us know via Report and Support

Report + Support allows you to report an incident or incidents anonymously. Alternatively you can request to speak to an advisor. Speaking to an advisor does not necessarily mean that you are making a formal report to the university - it enables you to access advice and support for yourself or someone else. You will be signposted to information on internal and external support, policies, guidance and campaigns. You may then decide that you want to progress with a formal report, and we will support you in this.

The University has a dedicated team of qualified Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLO’s)  to support students who have experienced sexual harassment and or violence either recently or in the past. Click the link above for more information


Support at the University

University of Nottingham Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO) serviceThe university has a dedicated team of qualified sexual violence liaison officers (SVLO’s)  to support students who have experienced sexual harassment and or violence either recently or in the past.

SVLOs can support you to access University services such as counselling and the Mental Health team.

Campus Security

Campus security aim to ensure the University of Nottingham is a safe and secure place for students, staff and visitors. They can assist with crime prevention, reporting and investigation.                                  
t: 0115 951 3013 for Security Control Room
t: 0115 951 8888 for Emergencies                       

Chaplaincy and Faith Support 

Chaplains support students and staff of any faith or none. A quiet word in a confidential space can be arranged at short notice.                  
t: 0115 951 3931

Students' Union Services

Students' Union Advice

Provides impartial advice and information to students.
t: 0115 846 8730 


Nightline is an anonymous listening service run by students, for students.
t: 0115 951 4980

Specialist Services

There are specialist services that can help. Sometimes you may just want to talk to someone first.

We advise that you download the 'Let's be Clear on Consent' booklet for full details of all services.

The Topaz Centre (support to adults who live in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire)

Offers free support and practical help to anyone over 18 who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.

Topaz provides a crisis response and supports clients to access medical care and provides a secure and safe location to gather forensic evidence.

This service is available without police involvement for those over the age of 18. You don't have to report the assault to the police if you don't want to.

t: 0800 085 9993 to make an appointment
e: notts.sarc@nhs.net (secure email)

Juniper Lodge

This is a sexual assault referral centre supporting people who have experienced sexual assault or abuse and reside in the Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland areas. They offer medical, practical, and emotional support.

Tel: 0116 273 3330 Email: juniper.lodge@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk

Nottinghamshire Sexual Violence Support Services

Offers support to anyone aged 13 and over, who have experienced any form of sexual violence, recently or in the past.
t: 0115 941 0440

Nottinghamshire Police

In an emergency call 999 immediately. In any other situation call the non-emergency number, 101.

A police officer specially trained to help with sexual offences will accompany you to the Topaz Centre (Nottinghamshire’s sexual assault referral centre). You can ask the University Security Team to contact the police on your behalf.

Information on how to report sexual assault or sexual abuse https://www.nottinghamshire.police.uk/rape

If you are at immediate risk and on campus, you should ring Security immediately t: 0115 951 8888.

East Midlands Children and Young People's Sexual Assault Service

Children and young people aged 17 and under
t: 0800 183 0023

Women’s Aid

Offers language line/type talk and text phone service for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
t:0808 2000 247ndash; helpline, 24-hour Free phone
e: helpline@womensaid.org.uk

Revenge Porn Helpline

The UK’s only service dedicated to supporting all adults who have been victims of intimate image abuse. They provide free, non-judgemental and confidential advice and support via email and phone
t: 0345 6000 459
e: help@revengepornhelpline.org.uk


Imara is an independent specialist service that supports children, young people and their family following disclosure or discovery of child sexual abuse. 

Your GP

The University of Nottingham Health Service (registered patients only).
t: 0115 846 8888


The University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: studentcommsoffice@nottingham.ac.uk