Digital and Technology Services


Guidance for using our HR, Finance and Procurement system



Using UniCore

UniCore is the university's new HR, Finance and Procurement system. It is expected to go live towards the end of November 2024. 

check_circle   A modern system that is integrated and secure

check_circle   Staff will be able to use UniCore to book annual leave, view payslips, access organisation charts, record Appraisal and Development Conversations (ADC), view university jobs, record sickness, make purchases, claim expenses, access reports, update personal details, and record financial transactions for Research projects

check_circle   University suppliers will be able to use UniCore to host their catalogues, submit invoices, check the status of payments, and update contact information and bank details

Further information

Information for staff

Frequently Asked Questions and details about the Digital Core project can be found on the SharePoint site:  

Digital Core SharePoint site

A new UniCore SharePoint site is coming soon. 

Details about our current HR and Finance systems can be found on this page.


Information for suppliers of goods and services

View details about UniCore on our Supplier Zone:

Supplier Zone



More details will be added to this page over the coming months. If you have any questions, please email




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If you're struggling please get in touch with the team

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University of Nottingham

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
email: Contact us