Under David Greenaway's leadership, followed by Professor Chris Milner between 1995-2002, the Department rose through the ranks in the terms of the Research Assessment Exercise (now Research Excellence Framework). Research began to be organised into research centres as the Department expanded.
In 1998, David Greenaway and a team from the school won Leverhulme Trust funding of a million pounds to fund a GLM (Globalisation and Labour Markets) research centre. A subsequent successful bid, again under David Greenaway's direction, expanded the centre further and it became GEP (Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy), which helped the Department boost its research income.
Alongside GEP and CREDIT, the third main centre for research formed in 2000 was ExCEM – Experian Centre for Economic Modelling, with funding from Experian plc, directed by Professor Paul Newbold.
In September 1998, the Department changed to the School of Economics.