Disability Confident Scheme
We are proud to announce that our university is registered as a Disability Confident Employer (Level 2) through the Disability Confident Scheme. This scheme is a government initiative designed to help employers recruit and retain disabled people and those with health conditions. It aims to challenge attitudes towards disability, increase understanding, and ensure that disabled individuals have the opportunities to fulfill their potential.
Level 2: Disability Confident Employer signifies that an organisation is committed to inclusive and accessible recruitment practices, provides reasonable adjustments to support disabled employees, and offers opportunities for development and progression.
Our university is keen to invest in disabled colleagues because we recognise the immense value they bring to our community. By embracing the principles of the Disability Confident scheme, we aim to lead by example and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
Support in your role
Your line manager will be a key individual who will work with you to ensure you receive the right support to enable you to fulfill your role and achieve your full potential. If you would like to start a conversation with your manager about reasonable adjustments or additional support, you can do so by updating your disability status in UniCore. More information on how you can update your disability status in UniCore can be found here.
Line managers and staff in need of support may also find it helpful to review our equality and diversity policies or to contact the HR Employment Relations Team.
Updating your personal details in UniCore
There is no automated process to update your staff profile if you declare a disability to your line manager. Please update your personal details in UniCore. More information on how you can update your disability status in UniCore can be found here. This aggregated anonymised data is helpful to understand how many disabled people work in the organisation and what their needs are so that we can measure engagement, establish a benchmark for assessing improvements, learn about barriers and provide adequate support. The information you choose to share is for monitoring purposes and to enable us to support you. When you complete this form, we will share your disability declaration status with your Line Manager. Please note that only the disability declaration will be shared, and not any further details, for example the category of your disability.
You are not obliged to tell us that you have a disability, however if you do, it will enable us to support you on an ongoing basis. Changing or updating your disability will start a journey which will provide prompts for both you and your manager to discuss any reasonable adjustments/additional support you may require. A person may become disabled at any time, and we would like all our employees to check and update their information regularly.
Reasonable adjustments SharePoint
The university has developed a fully resourced Adjustments SharePoint (accessible to existing staff members only).This site is a support tool for colleagues navigating the University of Nottingham's adjustment process. We have provided guidance for all involved in the process of requesting and implementing adjustments. We hope you find the resources and information to be practical and applicable to your situation. This is an iterative piece of work that we look to further develop with colleagues as we build our understanding of how it works in practice.
Reasonable adjustments passport
The university offers a reasonable adjustments passport to support staff and managers in discussing, agreeing, and recording reasonable adjustments. This is a live record of adjustments agreed between the staff member and their line manager.
The purpose of the passport is to ensure there is:
- a clear record of the agreed adjustments
- to reduce the need to re-assess adjustments due to changes to a staff member’s job or line manager
- to act as a template for conversations about current and future adjustments.
Sickness and absence policy
There may be times when you need to be absent from work for rehabilitation, assessment or treatment relating to disability. There may also be times when an impairment results in some sickness absence. We aim to support you in this. You can view guidance on provisions for disability leave and disability-related sickness absence in the Sickness Absence Management Policy and Procedure.
Peer support
There are a number of staff networks available at the University of Nottingham. For staff members who are disabled and/or caring for someone with a disability, you may find the following networks helpful for finding peer support:
- The Disabled Staff Network
- The Neurodiversity Staff network
- The Carers Network
More information on these networks is available here.
Blue Badge holders can park in any of the marked disabled car parking bays on campus.
If you come onto campus regularly then you can also register your car with the university by emailing parking@nottingham.ac.uk.
The Blue Badge scheme has recently been extended to include people with hidden disabilities – find out if you are eligible here.