Supporting information to help enable great conversations
If you haven’t had a look at the conversation guide already, this is a great place to start. It provides an overview of some of the fundamental basics about equality, diversity and inclusion which can sometimes be taken for granted. There are outlines for monthly conversations which were planned for September, October, November and December 2020. If you haven’t started these yet, don’t worry – pick one or two that you might like to start with and begin the conversation in your team.
To develop these conversations further through 2021 we’ve produced a series of Powerpoint slides to act as a conversation aid to help get conversations started. Accompanied by facilitator notes as well as hints and tips on how to structure conversations with smaller and larger groups, these can be adapted to suit individual and team needs.
You can download the conversations aids below. They can be downloaded as one combined pack, as a monthly combined pack, or you can look at the facilitator notes separately from the slides you share with your team – choose whichever works best for you.
Combined slide pack including facilitator notes and conversation starter slides for all months (January – April 2021)
Need help to get your conversations started?
Contact your
EDI Co-ordinator or Director for advice or guidance on how to make this work for you