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Solve real-world challenges with a masters course that builds on your engineering or architecture degree.

We believe that great minds don't think alike. We offer more than 30 postgraduate taught masters degree courses across our five engineering departments. Deepen your knowledge of your chosen area of expertise and get ahead in variety of engineering, architecture and design careers. You'll study in our state of the art engineering facilities with our expert academics, guided by our high-impact research.

Nottingham is also an ideal university for a PhD in engineering, with a range of postgraduate research opportunities across the faculty, covering many areas of engineering, architecture, sustainability and technology.

Get ready to shape the real world.

Explore masters courses

PhD student using Eppendorf Fermentor and Bioreactor, L3-A13

Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Masters courses in Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Students using a Total Station to capture their surroundings on the Geospatial Building roof

Civil Engineering

Masters courses in Civil Engineering

Technician working with heavy machinery, wearing a hard hat and visor

Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Masters courses in Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

PhD student using the Inclinable rig, L3 building

PhD research opportunities

PhD research in the Faculty of Engineering




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Scholarships and funding

Funding opportunities for engineering and architecture students

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How to apply

Our guide to the postgraduate application process

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International students

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